Movie Link
Event Horizon (1997) ?
CASE 2002- 1568 - HARRY BILL FLINT (William)
James E Starrs -Samson Hall - Lobster 214
Joseph a Jachimczyk Forensic Center of Harris County
registrar file no. 7697
Kirk valley 1438 Houston Texas
People involved
Harry Bill Flint - May 3 2002 - Cheated Death 3 times -
chemical company / appraiser ?
Tom Gauge ? Bill's Uncle
Cassandra Smith - wife
Jane ? - Daughter
Betty Yarter - Texas lawyer bill
Larry Deutch - marriage counciler
Ralph Smith - Cassandra brother
Howard Hesster - van lic plate 6CM W28 4707 address #
Take bill went to take out garbage heard gun shots
Charlton Andres - with Cassandra
Kevin Krislip - detective
Susan Clifton - lieutenant police officer
Murphy Classing - prosecutor
Joel Brock
Bruce Goldberger Toxicologist
Dr. Gil Brogden - radiology
Cynthia bates - head clerk Jose Pantoja - court room
Johnny Bonds - District Attorney investigator - Horizons
on book - 30min
Garry Johnson - District Attorney investigator -
Eqistar - Lyondell - formed 1997 - Citgo - neck broken
from fall
Atlas truck parking lot of Bucks Pizza ?
Bucks Pizza
Deere - Heavy Equipment - cemetery
Judaism / Christianity ? brown eyed daughter ?
additional notes
Pasadena - PD - CA - complaint
Huston Chronicle Jo Ann Zuniga - sync i think its a good
place. - stop moving around ?
Pipe - weapon
Bruce Goldberger Toxicologist - poison / toxin screen
samples no evidence - tissue not preserved
Rib fractures 3 ribs right lower side - broken prior to
death X ray recent fractures - Dr. Gil Brogden - non
neumothorasic reaction ? - broken ribs puncture lung
fluid build pressure on heart 0 forceful blow.
Molestation allegation - symbolism - "Feet climbing up
the wall" - anagram - mantelpiece dear, buck, fireplace,
mounting, taxidermy, hands ?
Bill notes San Diego sweat shirt die go - most visible
mixer - baking ? 10min - old video
Minty - shirt Cassandra
urine puddle - Cassandra
Cadillac - Chevy ?
123 body lift on table ?
1410 up to my muck lucks
Horizon investigation ?
9.23.05 WHB - reported
grave disturbed -
9.26.05 WHB - some
digging took place directly on grave ? need pics
Event Horizon - Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson / Noah
Huntly Burning Man
Vertical horizon 3 prop - band "inside"
5.07.05 - News that evening reported a gas station fire
on KPIX Guy sprayed gas on car set fire.
Sunday Morning tv ad - "You Go Girls" -links Citgo
Denney's - eye - poss link commercial Groene
Andres - shows windows on video towards end
Check staff on episode
BIC - Candy Flick
8..08.05 Peter Jennings Died At The Age Of 67
8.08.05 John Johnson Died at The Age of 87