03.09.06 CBS
reran a commercial that Korrekt hasn't seen in
several months, unfortunately Korrekt wasn't able
to capture the commercial at the time - commercial
question (thought) prior to seeing this commercial
originally was "do they ever use real plates in
commercials ?" - Jeep promptly replied with this
commercial (prior to March). How did Jeep know what
Korrekt was thinking ? ( there's an answer for that of
course explore the site) March of the Penguins may
have links
need for a
Zoe Implant. You already
have a similar & more powerful
one. See The Final Cut Trailer &
Homers Under Control !
Sounds more
like a cracking sound
than paper shredding. Is this a threat,
an answer or what's
going on at offices around the world.
WTC had an invisible
substance in the building that made the
structure fail.