Navigation Frame ?

The Grid

Recommends Korrekt

What's In Your Blood ?

Artwork John Zeleznik

What's in your skin ?

New  Clorox Ad Public

Disinformation   >Lab<


I  represent  your  skin there's lots of room for load  & stuff  to grow !



Magic  gas  keeps you warm   that's  Korrekt !

Are you eating it or

is  it  eating  you  ?



02.16.05 Mathew Carrington Fraternity Pledge Died From Hazing 

Exact date (?) early February 2005

02.10.05 Family Friends Say Farewell


02.13.05 "You paid for it" KPIX commercial played for a week or more prior to the KPIX Special being aired on  02.13.05
02.13.05 Water Special
Possible link to Korrekt (Logo) K

10.28.05 One of the four Chico State fraternity members is expected to plead guilty - Charged with to involuntary manslaughter and hazing.


polydipsia - hyponatremia - Death may not have been caused by excessive water consumption 3rd spacing fluids interstitial tissue - controlled fluid placement (swelling)  - controllers most likely made the kill



Fluid replacement - Wikipedia

The third space where bodily fluid resides is the interstitial space, or the space between the cells within the tissues. Depletion of this space is not life-threatening, and usually accompanies depletion of the other spaces. Extensive tissue swelling occurs when the third space fills with excess fluid. If this process robs the intracellular and intravascular spaces of fluid volume, a type of shock called distributive shock ensues. Severe allergic reactions are an example of this type of shock. Sepsis and some neurologic conditions can also cause distributive shock, although by other mechanisms.


Shock Links

02.13.05 Mark McCormack



Brittney Chambers died January 3rd, 2001

George Clooney

10.14.05 Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) IMDb





10.12.05 KGO 11pm Vodka Consumption Mash ?
06.29.07 SF vote on water service



The Passion Of The Christ

Keith Barry  Extraordinary Second   Sight   From   A "Mind Control Expert"


"It's not a cover up!"

90%  of  household  dust truth uncovered    >Lab<

A Beautiful Mind

If all  homes  have  mold so does your body  (CLX)  


The Constant Gardner (R)

Possible  connection  to  the cause  of  hurricane  Katrina


No   need    for   a    Zoe Implant.     You   already have   a  similar  &  more powerful  one.  See  The Final Cut Trailer  &  BJM

Homers Under Control !

Sounds    more     like    a cracking    sound       than paper shredding.  Is this a threat,    an    answer    or what's going on at offices around   the  world.   The WTC   had   an   invisible substance in the building that  made  the   structure fail.


Korrekt Television

Psycho Sounding   

A   means   of   obtaining information      from     an individual's mind  without his   will   and  awareness

We  are  all   victims  of a  large  scale  study similar to this  information stated on a Russian website.

About Control        >1  2<




These guys are talking about control.

(two interestin