These guys are talking about control.

(two interestin




01.01.06 60 Min X Prize M Prize Bill Clinton AIDS

Run Dates


60 Minutes
CBS Jan 01 07:00pm 
Series/, 60 Mins.

Original Airdate: January 1, 2006.


The private sector's race to space; medical advances that increase human lifespans; President Bill Clinton's efforts to curtail the spread of AIDS in China.






01.01.06 60 Min Methuselah Prize

Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) A practical way to cure human aging


Chemical Saturation - Tansmatter Control Agent

UIC School of Public Health - Faculty by Division S Olshansky

Dr. Sell doesn't think that a fairly radical change in human longevity is a real possibility in the near term.


About Ray Kurzweil

01.01.06 CBS Breaking World News









The "Junk" Aubrey de Grey talks about is covered in Saturation and can be removed from the body with technology that is available to a select few.  Many people are undergoing a process of removal and redistribution of Stuff including financial assets. It appears as if whoever is in control of this substance Transmatter Control Agent or "junk" as Grey refers to as will care about the peoples health after they have attempt to make everyone as guilty as those who control it by bring them "in" to the organization holding health and financial wellbeing over them (a payoff to participate or be quiet or you might not wake up the next day or make it home from work). Those who know are not speaking, they should it's appears safer than it has ever been.


For those who know it maybe more rewarding to speak the truth then to cover it up at this point. Most people who want to speak are just too fearful of intimidation and scared of any loss they may suffer. As for now society itself will require a paradigm shift, or a few brave individuals to collaborate and uncover the truth. Since Korrekt has yet to find any individuals or groups to collaborate with, Korrekt has put defining this substance and the illnesses created on hold and decided to study and create a real life sampling media model path that shows interaction between news events and television programming, synchronicity that shows highly improbable odds that will eventually lead to the question of how is that possible, hopefully showing a system of control.


I agree with de Grey 100% aging is reversible as of  01.11.06 the M prize is $3,234,376 and for the mouse it will only live as long as a controller wants it to live.  Controllers influence and disrupt most studies, no study is truly accurate due to control of living organisms with a Transmatter Control Agent. Korrekt studies indicate all mater contains some form of a control agent. Computer results can be inaccurate due to a controller tampering with various components of analysis equipment or actually changing certain aspects of a specimens from a remote location.


Shawn Bosanszki (Korrekt / Shawnski)




01.17.06 Exorcise & Alzheimer's plaque development in mice

07.30.05 Burt Ratan X prize winner




Grey's Anatomy


01.03.06 NCIS - Silver War

01.03.06 NCIS - Honor Code - Boat Building - needs review


10.06.05 WAT - Safe - Unilever


12.30.05 Freemont Police Officer Attacked By Chihuahuas

Rodents - no implied statement just recent media links, but the Methuselah Prize does make a statement in its own way - "rats" ?

11.07.05 HIMYM Match Maker



12.30.05 Freemont Police Officer Attacked By Chihuahuas

01.13.06 Elderly Lady Robbed & Assaulted After Bingo Game - Norma Gray

01.18.05 Fathers 4 Justice Plot to Kidnap Tony Blair's Son Leo Debunked




01.15.06 The Presidio CBS





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